Welcome to my own powershell cheat sheet where I will make notes about most important and most commonly used XenDesktop powershell commands. I will include also the list of powershell commands used in all my articles from XenDesktop 7.6 install with powershell series together with link to the article and command examples.

Update 01.09.2017

In this post I will document powershell commands available in XenDesktop 7.6 and newer versions.

Update 11.09.2017

For detailed information for XenDesktop 7.15 automation tasks please see my post XenDesktop 7.15 automation with powershell

Get-BrokerController  |select DNSName, ControllerVersion
#For more info see:
#XenDesktop 7.6 install with powershell Part 1 - Figure 14

# -AdminAddress - controller we will connect to
# -ControllerName - controller we will add/remove

#Add new controller to the site
Add-XDController -AdminAddress XD001 -ControllerName XD002

#Remove controller from the site
Remove-XDController -AdminAddress XD001 -ControllerName XD002
#For more info see:
#XenDesktop 7.6 install with powershell Part 1 - Figure 7,8,9

# Display licensing details

# Configure new settings for product code, edition and licensing model
Set-ConfigSite -LicensingModel Concurrent -ProductCode MPS -ProductEdition ENT

# Configure License server name and port
Set-XDLicensing -LicenseServerAddress DC01 -LicenseServerPort 27001

# Display licensing options
# Configure new settings for product code, edition and licensing model
Set-ConfigSite -ProductCode MPS -ProductEdition ENT

# Display production options

# Display product versions    
# Display product editions
# Display configured zones

# Display controllers in XenDesktop zones
Get-ConfigZone |Select Name, ControllerNames



To be continued ….